Our first group practice held last night went well
considering it was our first. The pool staff is getting used to
the idea that there will be 2 teams practicing on the 1st & 3rd Monday
nights: our team and Linda Kidd's XCell US Swim team. For future reference, we
will practice in the 4 lanes closest to the building (1-4) while Linda's team
practices in the outside lanes (7-10). That leaves the 2 center lanes (5-6) open for
any lap swimmers not affiliated with either team. Our team will start @
530 while Linda's starts @600. Given that we have about 18 folks on our
roster now, we must share lanes. This means we must either circle swim if we are more than two swimmers to a lane, or, in the event there are only two swimmers, divide the lane in half.
Our first Saturday clinic went very well. Linda Kidd taught us some workout jargon.
She hopes to have workouts available at the pool desk after her
daughter's wedding in late August. If you missed this clinic, ask a teammate at some point or at a practice to help explain any questions you may have.
One very important caveat that Linda
stressed was that swimming form was more important than speed and
distance. For less experienced swimmers, she recommended working on 10
laps (250 yards) until one can complete that without exhaustion.
Focus on stroke form to reduce the likelihood of injury. Remember, one lap is 25 yards.
We are excited to say that we will have some space on the bulletin board across from the women's locker room. Look for postings about our team there in the coming days and weeks!
next practice is scheduled for Labor Day evening. If you are in town, please come on down and join us!
The Bubble will go up the week of September 15, which means our 3rd Monday
practice will be cancelled as the pool is closed. During the closed week (hopefully shorter), Valdese pool members may use
the Morganton pool(s) without cost.
We need to make a decision about a team name by October. Any recommendations are welcome. Several have already come
in, and they will be posted on the blog shortly.
See you at the pool!
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